Dual Channel DeviceNET/CAN PCI Adapter

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  1. State-of-the-art DeviceNET/CAN PCI dual channel card.
  2. Diagnostic LEDs for each channel.
  3. Windows Platform Driver (WDM) for 98, ME, 2000 and XP.
  4. Driver API provides complete access to the CAN network.
  5. CIS Server software provide bus access to multiple clients.
  6. DNMCIS Server Software for scanning polled slave devices on DeviceNET

PCI7202B Hardware Documents:

Board Layout

Installation & Wiring

Software Development Kits

We have put togather a comprehensive suite of software components that let you access the CAN bus with various different ways. From raw CAN packets, all the way to accessing DeviceNET slave devices, you have full control of the CAN bus.

Option 1: Interact directly with the Device Driver

This option gives you full control of CAN bus by communicating directly with the device driver. No additional software layer between the driver and your application.

Device Driver (Windows Platform 98,ME,2K,XP) - Download

Option 2: Access the CAN Bus via CAN Information Server (CIS)

The CAN Information Server (CIS) allows multiple client applications in the PC, to access the CAN bus. The client apps register with the server and set up the message filters. The server then sends only those messages to the clients that are of interest.

Device Driver (Windows Platform 98,ME,2K,XP) - Download

CIS Server Installation Program - Download

VC++ CIS Driver SDK

Sample Code and DLL

Visual Basic CIS Driver SDK

Sample Code and DLL

CIS source code (VC++ 6.0) can also be purchased at a nominal price. Please contact us for more info.

Option 3: Access DeviceNET slave devices via DNMCIS server

TThe DeviceNET Master Scanner (DNMCIS) software hides the CAN bus protocol details and allows the user to access slave polled devices on the DeviceNET. The server API allows the user to add devices to the server's scan-list and transmit/receive poll data to/from the slave device. DNMCIS works in conjunction with the CIS server. The DNMCIS server currenlty supports POLLED devices only.

Device Driver (Windows Platform 98,ME,2K,XP) - Download

CIS Server Installation Program - Download


Sample Code and DLL

API Reference

Visual Basic DNMCIS SDK

Sample Code and DLL

API Reference

DNMCIS source code (VC++ 6.0) can also be purchased at a nominal price. Please contact us for more info.
For further information or to discuss custom software implementation for your project, please feel free to contact us.

Price List

PCI7202B $1150
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